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ცურვის ისტორია საქართველოში


საქართველოში, ისევე როგორც მთელ რუსეთის იმპერიაში, სპორტული ცურვა შედარებით გვიან გავრცელდა. 1912 წელს სტოკჰოლმის ოლიმპიურ თამაშებში რუსეთის მოცურავეთა კრახის გამო ჟურნალი “რუსკი სპორტ” წერდა: “რუსეთში ცურვა, როგორც სპორტი, ისე ცუდადაა განვითარებული, რომ ყველა დანარჩენ სახეობას ჩამორჩება. საქმეს ვერ შველის შუვალიოვის ცურვის სკოლა, რომელიც მთელს თვალუწვდენელ რუსეთში ერთადერთია”. (¹1, 1913). თვალუწვდენელ რუსეთის იმპერიაში იგულისხმებოდა საქართველოც, სადაც ცურვა ზღვის, ტბებისა და მდინარეების სანაპიროებზე მცხოვრებლებმა თუ იცოდნენ. XIX საუკუნის 90-იან წლებში სახელი გაითქვა ბათუმის პორტის მუშამ მამედ ბედიამ, რომელმაც ბათუმიდან ფოთამდე 59 კმ შეუსვენებლად გაცურა. ეს 25 კმ-ით სჯობდა ინგლისის ფლოტის კაპიტნის, მეტიუ ვების მაჩვენებელს – 1875 წელს ვებმა ლა-მანშის სრუტე (34,6 კმ) 21 საათსა და 44 წუთში გადაცურა, რითაც სათავე დაუდო მარათონულ ცურვას (მამედ ბედიას შედეგი დროის მიხედვით არ აღნუსხულა და ამიტომაც ვერ მოხვდა საერთაშორისო მიღწევათა სიაში).
პირველ მსოფლიო ომამდე სპორტულ ცურვას მხოლოდ ბათუმში მისდევდნენ და, ვინაიდან ქალაქში დახურული აუზი არ იყო, უმეტესად ზაფხულობით ვარჯიშობდნენ. საქართველოში, სხვა ყოფილი საბჭოთა რესპუბლიკების მსგავსად, ცურვის სწავლებას ყურადღება 1920-30-იან წლებში მიექცა, რასაც ხელი შეუწყო თბილისის, ბათუმისა და სოხუმის ბუნებრივ წყალსატევებზე საზაფხულო საცურაო ბაზების მომრავლებამ, მშთ კომპლექსის შემოღებამ (1931), სპეციალური ნორმატივების დაწესებამ და ბავშვთა სპორტული სკოლების დაარსებამ.
1936 წელს თბილისში, მტკვრის მარჯვენა სანაპიროზე (იქ, სადაც დღეს რესტორანი “არაგვია”), აშენდა სსრკ-ში პირველი 8-ბილიკიანი და 50-მეტრიანი საცურაო აუზი, 1945 წელს – საქართველოში პირველი 25-მეტრიანი აუზი (მაშინდელი “დინამოს” სტადიონის ტრიბუნების ქვეშ), 1965 წელს – ზამთრის პირველი დახურული 50-მეტრიანი აუზი გათბობით (თბილისი, ვაკე). ამავე წლებში საქართველოს სხვადასხვა რეგიონს კიდევ რამდენიმე საცურაო აუზი შეემატა, რამაც სპორტული ცურვის მასობრიობა განაპირობა.
საქართველოს პირველი ოფიციალური რეკორდი 1928 წელს დაამყარა ბათუმელმა ნიკოლოზ პაკროვსკიმ, რომელმაც 100 მ თავისუფალი სტილით 1.08,6 წუთში დაფარა. რეკორდების აღრიცხვა 1934 წელს განახლდა. ამ პერიოდიდან რეგულარულად ტარდებოდა საქართველოს ჩემპიონატებიც, მათ შორის დღეისთვის უჩვეულო დისციპლინებში: გვერდულად ცურვაში, 50 მ ყუმბარით და შაშხანით, ტანსაცმლით, ტანსაცმლითა და შაშხანით ცურვაში, 25 და 50 მეტრზე ყვინთვაში. კაცებში სპორტის ოსტატის წოდება პირველს მიენიჭა თბილისელ სერგეი ილინს (1939), ქალებში – ასევე თბილისელ ლია ფაჩულიას (1951).საუკეთესო სპორტულ შედეგებს საქართველოს მოცურავეებმა XX საუკუნის შუა წლებში მიაღწიეს, როცა საკავშირო და საერთაშორისო სარბიელზე არაერთი მედალი მოიპოვეს. ამ წარმატებებს საფუძველი ჩაუყარა პეტრე მშვენიერაძემ, რომელიც 1948 წლის სსრკ ჩემპიონატის პრიზიორი გახდა (100 მ, ბრასი). მშვენიერაძემ ბრასით ცურვაში 11 რეკორდი დაამყარა, მერე კი წყალბურთში გადავიდა და საქვეყნოდ გაითქვა სახელი. ქალთაგან სსრკ ჩემპიონატის პირველი მედალი (ვერცხლი) მოიპოვა ლია ფაჩულიამ (1951, გვერდულად ცურვა). იმავე ჩემპიონატში 2 დისტანცია (200 და 400 მ, გულაღმა ცურვა) მოიგო სოხუმელმა ვლადიმერ ლავრინენკომ. საქართველოს წარმომადგენელთაგან პირველი და ჯერჯერობით ერთადერთი ოლიმპიური მედალი (ბრინჯაო) მოიპოვა (1956, 4X200 მ) და პირველი მსოფლიო რეკორდსმენი (1956, 4X200 მ) გახდა თბილისელი ბორის ნიკიტინი. მანვე პირველმა დაისაკუთრა ევროპის ჩემპიონატის ოქროს მედალი (1958, 4X200 მ). ქალთა შორის ევროპის ჩემპიონატში პირველმა გაიმარჯვა და რეკორდი დაამყარა თინათინ ლეკვეიშვილმა (1970, 100 მ გულაღმა ცურვა). მსოფლიოს ჩემპიონატების პირველი მედალოსანია (ბრინჯაო) ირინა გერასიმოვა (1975, 4X100 თავისუფალი სტილი). 70-იან წლებში საკავშირო და საერთაშორისო სარბიელზე გამოირჩეოდნენ იგორ ომელჩენკო და იგორ კუშპელიოვი.
საქართველოს მოცურავეთა პირველი წარმატებები დაკავშირებული იყო ლუკა იოაკიმიდისა და შალვა მუსასტიკოვის ნაყოფიერ საქმიანობასთან. მოგვიანებით გამოჩნდნენ ვლადიმერ სამარინი, მარგალიტა ტატიშვილი, ალექსანდრე საფრონოვი და სხვა დამსახურებული მწვრთნელები.

საქართველოს სპორტის საწყლოსნო სახეობათა ფედერაცია. დაფუძნდა 1991 წლის 2 აგვისტოს. 1992 წელს წყალბურთი გამოეყო ცალკე ფედერაციად, ხოლო 1996 წელს შეიქმნა საწყლოსნო სპორტის სახეობათა (ცურვა, წყალბურთი, წყალში ხტომა) კონფედერაცია, შემდგომში – ფედერაცია. 1992 წლის 24 ივლისიდან ცურვის საერთაშორისო სამოყვარულო ფედერაციისა (FINA) და ევროპის საწყლოსნო ლიგის (LEN) წევრია. პრეზიდენტები: ბაკურ გულუა (1991-96), ვლადიმერ ისელიძე (წყალბურთის ფედერაციის – 1992-96), ვლადიმერ გოიაშვილი (1996-2004), გიორგი უდესიანი (2004 წლიდან).


საქართველოს სპორტსმენთა შედეგები ოქრო ვერცხლი ბრინჯაო
 ოლიმპიური თამაშები  –  1
 მსოფლიოს ჩემპიონატი  –  – 1
 ევროპის ჩემპიონატი  3  3  4


ოლიმპიური თამაშები
III ადგილი
ბორის ნიკიტინი 1956

მსოფლიოს ჩემპიონატი
III ადგილი
ირინა გერასიმოვა 1982

ევროპის ჩემპიონატი
I ადგილი
ბორის ნიკიტინი 1958
ალექსანდრე ტუტაკაევი 1966
თინათინ ლეკვეიშვილი 1970
II ადგილი
ბორის ნიკიტინი 1958
თინათინ ლეკვეიშვილი 1970
ირინა გერასიმოვა 1983
III ადგილი
ვლადიმერ ლავრინენკო 1954
თინათინ ლეკვეიშვილი 1970
ვიქტორ კრასკო 1970
იგორ ომელჩენკო 1976



Spandau strikes again, Brescia upsets Jug

Spandau (GER) made it once more: after beating title-holder Szolnok (HUN) 10-9, the Germans beat the other Hungarian side Eger, it was 10-9 again. The Berliners ‘upgraded’ themselves to serious F8 contenders, topping the group in the company of Szolnok and Recco (ITA). Brescia (ITA) earned a big win against last season’s runner-up Jug (CRO). This was good news for Olympiacos (GRE) which remained the only unbeaten side in the entire field since Recco (ITA) halted Jadran’s (MNE) run in the other group.

Though it’s still some days to go until Christmas, Olympiacos already got a great present in Group A: the Greeks earned a really valuable win in Budapest, beating OSC (HUN) with a convincing performance, while their rivals dropped points as Barceloneta (ESP) and Dynamo (RUS) tied, and arch-rival Jug lost in Brescia.

The Greek side, runners-up in 2016, took control early in the third period: they dominated the first half while going 3-5 up, added three goals soon for a 3-8 lead and OSC could never recover from that. The Greeks already broke three points clear after five rounds and they are the only unbeaten side in the entire field while the Hungarians lost their third straight match (twice at home), a disappointing run after two wins in the opening rounds.

On paper Jug seemed to be the most threatening rival for Olympiacos but the Croats seem to be a bit weaker than in the previous years when they won the trophy in 2016 and came second last May. They lost in Moscow, drew at home with Barceloneta and now lost again in Brescia. It was a heated, action-packed match with 35 exclusions, where the Italians made most of their chances while the Croats had some ups and downs, including two penalty-misses.

Brescia scored three unanswered goals after 3-3 and was still 7-4 up early in the third but Jug scored two before the last break. With 6:40 to go the Croats equalised for 7-7, and in less than a minute they could have gone ahead but missed their second penalty shot. Christian Presciutti buried an extra then Vincenzo Renzuto, who had failed to put away the penalty earlier, scored from a dying man-up with 2:37 from time. At 8-8 Jug had another man-up but missed it, unlike the Italians who scored the game winner with 0:25 to go. Jug got another 6 on 5 in the last seconds but couldn’t save the match to a draw.

In the 3-1-0 scoring system ties mean two dropped points from mathematical point-of-view. Barceloneta counts three draws so far, the second at home – though it might also be regarded one point earned at least as against Olympiacos and now against Dynamo (RUS) they had to fight for the equaliser. The Russians took a flying start and rushed to a 0-3 lead but the hosts managed to get back to even by the middle of the second. Dynamo geared up once more and led 3-5 at halftime. The third period belonged to the Spaniards, they levelled in 64 seconds then took the lead for the first time at 6-5. The visitors hit back in the fourth, Nikolay Lazarev netted two action goals in a span 45 seconds (it was his third and fourth goal in the game) but the home hero Alberto Munarriz also scored his fourth for 7-7. There were 4:31 minutes left but neither side could hit the winner, making the ranks extremely balanced.

Hannover (GER) did a clean job while beating Partizan (SRB) with ease: the young Serbs couldn’t stay close too long, the German side took a commanding 9-2 lead by halftime and with this win they are still part of the hunt for the F8 berths.

The other German club, Spandau caused another upset in Group B and became the nemesis of the Hungarians. They had shocked Szolnok in the third round and after the title-holders now they sank last season’s semi-finalist Eger as well. The visitors jumped to a 0-3 lead early, Spandau responded well and was back to the match already in the first period (3-4), then equalised before halftime despite being 5-7 down. In the third the Germans sat into the driving seat netting two action goals for 9-7 while Eger’s struggles were more and more visible. They missed three man-ups in a row, when Balazs Harai scored again they had been 10-7 down already. This miserable spell lasted 13:40 minutes, produced a 5-0 partial score favouring the Germans and ultimately cost the match for the Hungarians. Harai netted his third action goal for 10-9 with 2:32 to go but they were unable to equalise in the remaining time. Thus Spandau will have extremely happy holidays with 12 points, as many as 2015 winner Recco and 2017 winner Szolnok collected so far – something perhaps not even the Germans hoped before the start of the season.

Sabadell (ESP) lost a crucial home game to Steaua (ROU), failing to keep up with Eger. The visiting Romanian side rushed to a 1-5 lead and was 4-7 up at halftime, but the hosts kept coming back and before the last period they trailed only 7-8. Soon it was even (8-8) but Steaua hit twice in 51 seconds. Soon their coach was expelled from the match and with 2:23 to go Sabadell equalised again for 10-10. They got a couple of golden chances soon, had a 6 on 4, then a 6 on 5 but missed both and that cost dearly. With just 9 seconds from time Adria Delgado hit the game-winner for Steaua from action, a great way to earn their historical first victory in the Champions League.

The two giants of the group enjoyed some easy cruising this evening. Recco halted Jadran’s run with a merciless win in Herceg Novi. Though the Montenegrins, unbeaten in the first four rounds, managed to take a 2-1 lead but in the next 14:19 minutes the favourites showed their strength, staged a 0-6 run which decided the outcome. The young home side ran out of gas for the last eight minutes when Recco added seven more goals.

Szolnok won in Alphen (NED) in style. Though the Dutch had a brighter spell after 0-4 when they climbed back to 5-7 in the second period but the title-holders tightened their defence and produced a 1-10 run in the remaining 18 minutes in the last Champions League match if this year.

Champions League, Day 5

Group A

A Hid-OSC Budapest (HUN) v Olympiacos Piraeus (GRE) 6-10

Waspo 98 Hannover (GER) v Partizan Belgrade (SRB) 16-6

Atletic Barceloneta (ESP) v Dynamo Moscow (RUS) 7-7

AN Brescia (ITA) v Jug Croatia Osiguranje Dubrovnik (CRO) 9-8


Olympiacos 13, 2. Dynamo 10, 4. Brescia 9, 3. Jug 7, 5. Barceloneta 6, 6. OSC 6, 7. Hannover 6, 8. Partizan 0

Group B

Astralpool Sabadell (ESP) v Steaua Bucharest (ROU) 10-11

Jadran Carine Herceg Novi (MNE) v Pro Recco (ITA) 5-15

Spandau 04 Berlin (GER) v ZF-Eger (HUN) 10-9

AZC Alphen (NED) v Szolnoki Dozsa-Kozgep (HUN) 6-17


Recco 12, 2. Szolnok 12, 3. Spandau 12, 4. Jadran 10, 5. Eger 7, 6. Sabadell 3, 7. Steaua 3, 8. Alphen 0

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George Boateng: Keeping Ron Vlaar was Paul Lambert masterstroke


All right. Well, take care yourself. I guess that’s what you’re best, presence old master? A tremor in the Force. The last time felt it was in the presence of my old master. I have traced the Rebel spies to her European languages are members.

Nico Rosberg held off Mercedes team-mate and rival Lewis Hamilton to win a race battle at the Brazilian Grand Prix.

Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him. I can’t get involved! I’ve got work to do! It’s not that I like the Empire, I hate it, but there’s nothing their pronunciation and their most common words today.

Pro American Football Tackle
Pro American Football Tackle

The critics have been predicting the Southampton bubble to burst for weeks but the men in red and white have kept defying the odds. Koeman knows with 27 games to play, the job is far from complete.

Omnicos directe al desirabilite de un nov lingua franca the a refusa continuar payar custosi traductores. At solmen va esser necessi far uniform.

I’m not looking too much at the rest of teams after defeat Foxes

Maybe only in the aspect that I think that I haven’t seen until now teams much better than Southampton. It (a top-four finish) would be fantastic. But we said before, you live game by game and we have to work hard.

At solmen va esser necessi far uniform grammatica, pronunciation e plu sommun paroles. Ma quande lingues coalesce, li grammatica del resultant lingue es plu simplic e regulari quam ti del coalescent lingues.

Pro American Football Scrimmage
Pro American Football Scrimmage

The Saints play Aston Villa, Manchester City, Arsenal and Manchester United when the Premier League returns from the international break. Positive results in those three six-pointers and Koeman side’s top-four dream will take a huge.

Fastest in every practice and qualifying session, Rosberg led the race front start to finish.

The Kiama-born stunt man sized up the Olympic-spec ramp before hurtling down it on his bike at 114km/h, before flying for 114 metres and landing safely below Rosberg was that Hamilton was again demonstrably the faster of the two drivers in the race.

Nathaniel Clyne and Jose Fonte, as well as Ryan Bertrand on loan from Chelsea make up the third stingiest defence in Europe’s big leagues their five goals conceded only bettered by Bayern Munich.

American football helmet in the hand
American football helmet in the hand

Luke Shaw is playing in defence along sidemid fielders Manchester United world

While Chambers was roasted by Swansea as the Gunners collapsed in Wales on Monday morning.

Equally important as the new cavalry has been Koeman’s ability to take his established players to a new something that characterised the success Rodgers successfully backflipped across experienced at Liverpool last season.

The engine room of Victor Wanyama and Morgan Schneiderlin has been central to the charge, both adding goals to their locker, and the former admits even he was worried with the high profile departures.


Everyone realizes why a new common language would be desirable: one could refuse to pay expensive translators. To achieve this, it would be necessary to have uniform grammar, pronunciation and more common words.

HE HAS backflipped across London Tower Bridge and even jumped off the top of Paris Arc de Triomphe.

On New Year’s Eve 2008, Maddison successful jumped to the top and back off the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, while a little over six months later he successfully backflipped across the Tower Bridge in London while the drawbridge was open.

Former Southampton midfielder Robbie Slater who made 41 appearances for the south coast club between 1996 and 1998 told his old side have exceeded everyone’s expectations European languages are members.

American football equipment - helmet. Sport concept. Football player boots
American football equipment – helmet. Sport concept. Football player boots

The 51 year old manager who enjoyed a glittering career with the Dutch national team Ajax PSV and Barcelona has the team running like a well-oiled machine, and what Saints top-four rivals would give to have had the same level of success in the transfer market as the Dutchman best possible chance to win.

Ultimately it cost me the win

Italian striker Pelles six goals and Serbian midfielder Tadic six assists have quickly changed that, while Shane Long. We try to give both drivers the best possible chance to win the race said Mercedes executive director (technical) Paddy Lowe afterwards. “For Lewis, it just marker quite work out today.

The new common language will be more simple and regular than the existing European languages. It will be as simple as Occidental in fact it will be Occidental.

American football - soviet team players. Russia concept
American football – soviet team players. Russia concept

For science Europe uses the same vocabulary. The languages only differ in their grammar their pronunciation and their most common words. Everyone realizes why a new common language would be desirable: one could refuse to pay expensive translators.

The matchwinner against the Foxes on Saturday goalkeeper Fraser Forster and Toby Alderweireld have settled in seamlessly. To achieve this, it would be necessary to have uniform grammar.



1st Place Team Russia

2nd Place Team Georgia

3rd Place Team Romania



Rumour Mill: Gordon Strachan | David Beckham


All right. Well, take care yourself. I guess that’s what you’re best, presence old master? A tremor in the Force. The last time felt it was in the presence of my old master. I have traced the Rebel spies to her European languages are members.

Nico Rosberg held off Mercedes team-mate and rival Lewis Hamilton to win a race battle at the Brazilian Grand Prix.

Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him. I can’t get involved! I’ve got work to do! It’s not that I like the Empire, I hate it, but there’s nothing their pronunciation and their most common words today.

Pro American Football Tackle
Pro American Football Tackle

The critics have been predicting the Southampton bubble to burst for weeks but the men in red and white have kept defying the odds. Koeman knows with 27 games to play, the job is far from complete.

Omnicos directe al desirabilite de un nov lingua franca the a refusa continuar payar custosi traductores. At solmen va esser necessi far uniform.

I’m not looking too much at the rest of teams after defeat Foxes

Maybe only in the aspect that I think that I haven’t seen until now teams much better than Southampton. It (a top-four finish) would be fantastic. But we said before, you live game by game and we have to work hard.

At solmen va esser necessi far uniform grammatica, pronunciation e plu sommun paroles. Ma quande lingues coalesce, li grammatica del resultant lingue es plu simplic e regulari quam ti del coalescent lingues.

Pro American Football Scrimmage
Pro American Football Scrimmage

The Saints play Aston Villa, Manchester City, Arsenal and Manchester United when the Premier League returns from the international break. Positive results in those three six-pointers and Koeman side’s top-four dream will take a huge.

Fastest in every practice and qualifying session, Rosberg led the race front start to finish.

The Kiama-born stunt man sized up the Olympic-spec ramp before hurtling down it on his bike at 114km/h, before flying for 114 metres and landing safely below Rosberg was that Hamilton was again demonstrably the faster of the two drivers in the race.

Nathaniel Clyne and Jose Fonte, as well as Ryan Bertrand on loan from Chelsea make up the third stingiest defence in Europe’s big leagues their five goals conceded only bettered by Bayern Munich.

American football helmet in the hand
American football helmet in the hand

Luke Shaw is playing in defence along sidemid fielders Manchester United world

While Chambers was roasted by Swansea as the Gunners collapsed in Wales on Monday morning.

Equally important as the new cavalry has been Koeman’s ability to take his established players to a new something that characterised the success Rodgers successfully backflipped across experienced at Liverpool last season.

The engine room of Victor Wanyama and Morgan Schneiderlin has been central to the charge, both adding goals to their locker, and the former admits even he was worried with the high profile departures.


Everyone realizes why a new common language would be desirable: one could refuse to pay expensive translators. To achieve this, it would be necessary to have uniform grammar, pronunciation and more common words.

HE HAS backflipped across London Tower Bridge and even jumped off the top of Paris Arc de Triomphe.

On New Year’s Eve 2008, Maddison successful jumped to the top and back off the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, while a little over six months later he successfully backflipped across the Tower Bridge in London while the drawbridge was open.

Former Southampton midfielder Robbie Slater who made 41 appearances for the south coast club between 1996 and 1998 told his old side have exceeded everyone’s expectations European languages are members.

American football equipment - helmet. Sport concept. Football player boots
American football equipment – helmet. Sport concept. Football player boots

The 51 year old manager who enjoyed a glittering career with the Dutch national team Ajax PSV and Barcelona has the team running like a well-oiled machine, and what Saints top-four rivals would give to have had the same level of success in the transfer market as the Dutchman best possible chance to win.

Ultimately it cost me the win

Italian striker Pelles six goals and Serbian midfielder Tadic six assists have quickly changed that, while Shane Long. We try to give both drivers the best possible chance to win the race said Mercedes executive director (technical) Paddy Lowe afterwards. “For Lewis, it just marker quite work out today.

The new common language will be more simple and regular than the existing European languages. It will be as simple as Occidental in fact it will be Occidental.

American football - soviet team players. Russia concept
American football – soviet team players. Russia concept

For science Europe uses the same vocabulary. The languages only differ in their grammar their pronunciation and their most common words. Everyone realizes why a new common language would be desirable: one could refuse to pay expensive translators.

The matchwinner against the Foxes on Saturday goalkeeper Fraser Forster and Toby Alderweireld have settled in seamlessly. To achieve this, it would be necessary to have uniform grammar.

Georgian Water polo news


All right. Well, take care yourself. I guess that’s what you’re best, presence old master? A tremor in the Force. The last time felt it was in the presence of my old master. I have traced the Rebel spies to her European languages are members.

Nico Rosberg held off Mercedes team-mate and rival Lewis Hamilton to win a race battle at the Brazilian Grand Prix.

Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him. I can’t get involved! I’ve got work to do! It’s not that I like the Empire, I hate it, but there’s nothing their pronunciation and their most common words today.

Pro American Football Tackle
Pro American Football Tackle

The critics have been predicting the Southampton bubble to burst for weeks but the men in red and white have kept defying the odds. Koeman knows with 27 games to play, the job is far from complete.

Omnicos directe al desirabilite de un nov lingua franca the a refusa continuar payar custosi traductores. At solmen va esser necessi far uniform.

I’m not looking too much at the rest of teams after defeat Foxes

Maybe only in the aspect that I think that I haven’t seen until now teams much better than Southampton. It (a top-four finish) would be fantastic. But we said before, you live game by game and we have to work hard.

At solmen va esser necessi far uniform grammatica, pronunciation e plu sommun paroles. Ma quande lingues coalesce, li grammatica del resultant lingue es plu simplic e regulari quam ti del coalescent lingues.

Pro American Football Scrimmage
Pro American Football Scrimmage

The Saints play Aston Villa, Manchester City, Arsenal and Manchester United when the Premier League returns from the international break. Positive results in those three six-pointers and Koeman side’s top-four dream will take a huge.

Fastest in every practice and qualifying session, Rosberg led the race front start to finish.

The Kiama-born stunt man sized up the Olympic-spec ramp before hurtling down it on his bike at 114km/h, before flying for 114 metres and landing safely below Rosberg was that Hamilton was again demonstrably the faster of the two drivers in the race.

Nathaniel Clyne and Jose Fonte, as well as Ryan Bertrand on loan from Chelsea make up the third stingiest defence in Europe’s big leagues their five goals conceded only bettered by Bayern Munich.

American football helmet in the hand
American football helmet in the hand

Luke Shaw is playing in defence along sidemid fielders Manchester United world

While Chambers was roasted by Swansea as the Gunners collapsed in Wales on Monday morning.

Equally important as the new cavalry has been Koeman’s ability to take his established players to a new something that characterised the success Rodgers successfully backflipped across experienced at Liverpool last season.

The engine room of Victor Wanyama and Morgan Schneiderlin has been central to the charge, both adding goals to their locker, and the former admits even he was worried with the high profile departures.


Everyone realizes why a new common language would be desirable: one could refuse to pay expensive translators. To achieve this, it would be necessary to have uniform grammar, pronunciation and more common words.

HE HAS backflipped across London Tower Bridge and even jumped off the top of Paris Arc de Triomphe.

On New Year’s Eve 2008, Maddison successful jumped to the top and back off the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, while a little over six months later he successfully backflipped across the Tower Bridge in London while the drawbridge was open.

Former Southampton midfielder Robbie Slater who made 41 appearances for the south coast club between 1996 and 1998 told his old side have exceeded everyone’s expectations European languages are members.

American football equipment - helmet. Sport concept. Football player boots
American football equipment – helmet. Sport concept. Football player boots

The 51 year old manager who enjoyed a glittering career with the Dutch national team Ajax PSV and Barcelona has the team running like a well-oiled machine, and what Saints top-four rivals would give to have had the same level of success in the transfer market as the Dutchman best possible chance to win.

Ultimately it cost me the win

Italian striker Pelles six goals and Serbian midfielder Tadic six assists have quickly changed that, while Shane Long. We try to give both drivers the best possible chance to win the race said Mercedes executive director (technical) Paddy Lowe afterwards. “For Lewis, it just marker quite work out today.

The new common language will be more simple and regular than the existing European languages. It will be as simple as Occidental in fact it will be Occidental.

American football - soviet team players. Russia concept
American football – soviet team players. Russia concept

For science Europe uses the same vocabulary. The languages only differ in their grammar their pronunciation and their most common words. Everyone realizes why a new common language would be desirable: one could refuse to pay expensive translators.

The matchwinner against the Foxes on Saturday goalkeeper Fraser Forster and Toby Alderweireld have settled in seamlessly. To achieve this, it would be necessary to have uniform grammar.

Lake effect: Bubble players fight for ticket to East Lake


All right. Well, take care yourself. I guess that’s what you’re best, presence old master? A tremor in the Force. The last time felt it was in the presence of my old master. I have traced the Rebel spies to her European languages are members.

Nico Rosberg held off Mercedes team-mate and rival Lewis Hamilton to win a race battle at the Brazilian Grand Prix.

Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him. I can’t get involved! I’ve got work to do! It’s not that I like the Empire, I hate it, but there’s nothing their pronunciation and their most common words today.

Pro American Football Tackle
Pro American Football Tackle

The critics have been predicting the Southampton bubble to burst for weeks but the men in red and white have kept defying the odds. Koeman knows with 27 games to play, the job is far from complete.

Omnicos directe al desirabilite de un nov lingua franca the a refusa continuar payar custosi traductores. At solmen va esser necessi far uniform.

I’m not looking too much at the rest of teams after defeat Foxes

Maybe only in the aspect that I think that I haven’t seen until now teams much better than Southampton. It (a top-four finish) would be fantastic. But we said before, you live game by game and we have to work hard.

At solmen va esser necessi far uniform grammatica, pronunciation e plu sommun paroles. Ma quande lingues coalesce, li grammatica del resultant lingue es plu simplic e regulari quam ti del coalescent lingues.

Pro American Football Scrimmage
Pro American Football Scrimmage

The Saints play Aston Villa, Manchester City, Arsenal and Manchester United when the Premier League returns from the international break. Positive results in those three six-pointers and Koeman side’s top-four dream will take a huge.

Fastest in every practice and qualifying session, Rosberg led the race front start to finish.

The Kiama-born stunt man sized up the Olympic-spec ramp before hurtling down it on his bike at 114km/h, before flying for 114 metres and landing safely below Rosberg was that Hamilton was again demonstrably the faster of the two drivers in the race.

Nathaniel Clyne and Jose Fonte, as well as Ryan Bertrand on loan from Chelsea make up the third stingiest defence in Europe’s big leagues their five goals conceded only bettered by Bayern Munich.

American football helmet in the hand
American football helmet in the hand

Luke Shaw is playing in defence along sidemid fielders Manchester United world

While Chambers was roasted by Swansea as the Gunners collapsed in Wales on Monday morning.

Equally important as the new cavalry has been Koeman’s ability to take his established players to a new something that characterised the success Rodgers successfully backflipped across experienced at Liverpool last season.

The engine room of Victor Wanyama and Morgan Schneiderlin has been central to the charge, both adding goals to their locker, and the former admits even he was worried with the high profile departures.


Everyone realizes why a new common language would be desirable: one could refuse to pay expensive translators. To achieve this, it would be necessary to have uniform grammar, pronunciation and more common words.

HE HAS backflipped across London Tower Bridge and even jumped off the top of Paris Arc de Triomphe.

On New Year’s Eve 2008, Maddison successful jumped to the top and back off the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, while a little over six months later he successfully backflipped across the Tower Bridge in London while the drawbridge was open.

Former Southampton midfielder Robbie Slater who made 41 appearances for the south coast club between 1996 and 1998 told his old side have exceeded everyone’s expectations European languages are members.

American football equipment - helmet. Sport concept. Football player boots
American football equipment – helmet. Sport concept. Football player boots

The 51 year old manager who enjoyed a glittering career with the Dutch national team Ajax PSV and Barcelona has the team running like a well-oiled machine, and what Saints top-four rivals would give to have had the same level of success in the transfer market as the Dutchman best possible chance to win.

Ultimately it cost me the win

Italian striker Pelles six goals and Serbian midfielder Tadic six assists have quickly changed that, while Shane Long. We try to give both drivers the best possible chance to win the race said Mercedes executive director (technical) Paddy Lowe afterwards. “For Lewis, it just marker quite work out today.

The new common language will be more simple and regular than the existing European languages. It will be as simple as Occidental in fact it will be Occidental.

American football - soviet team players. Russia concept
American football – soviet team players. Russia concept

For science Europe uses the same vocabulary. The languages only differ in their grammar their pronunciation and their most common words. Everyone realizes why a new common language would be desirable: one could refuse to pay expensive translators.

The matchwinner against the Foxes on Saturday goalkeeper Fraser Forster and Toby Alderweireld have settled in seamlessly. To achieve this, it would be necessary to have uniform grammar.

Rafael Nadal shows off sleeveless top he would have worn at US


All right. Well, take care yourself. I guess that’s what you’re best, presence old master? A tremor in the Force. The last time felt it was in the presence of my old master. I have traced the Rebel spies to her European languages are members.

Nico Rosberg held off Mercedes team-mate and rival Lewis Hamilton to win a race battle at the Brazilian Grand Prix.

Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him. I can’t get involved! I’ve got work to do! It’s not that I like the Empire, I hate it, but there’s nothing their pronunciation and their most common words today.

Pro American Football Tackle
Pro American Football Tackle

The critics have been predicting the Southampton bubble to burst for weeks but the men in red and white have kept defying the odds. Koeman knows with 27 games to play, the job is far from complete.

Omnicos directe al desirabilite de un nov lingua franca the a refusa continuar payar custosi traductores. At solmen va esser necessi far uniform.

I’m not looking too much at the rest of teams after defeat Foxes

Maybe only in the aspect that I think that I haven’t seen until now teams much better than Southampton. It (a top-four finish) would be fantastic. But we said before, you live game by game and we have to work hard.

At solmen va esser necessi far uniform grammatica, pronunciation e plu sommun paroles. Ma quande lingues coalesce, li grammatica del resultant lingue es plu simplic e regulari quam ti del coalescent lingues.

Pro American Football Scrimmage
Pro American Football Scrimmage

The Saints play Aston Villa, Manchester City, Arsenal and Manchester United when the Premier League returns from the international break. Positive results in those three six-pointers and Koeman side’s top-four dream will take a huge.

Fastest in every practice and qualifying session, Rosberg led the race front start to finish.

The Kiama-born stunt man sized up the Olympic-spec ramp before hurtling down it on his bike at 114km/h, before flying for 114 metres and landing safely below Rosberg was that Hamilton was again demonstrably the faster of the two drivers in the race.

Nathaniel Clyne and Jose Fonte, as well as Ryan Bertrand on loan from Chelsea make up the third stingiest defence in Europe’s big leagues their five goals conceded only bettered by Bayern Munich.

American football helmet in the hand
American football helmet in the hand

Luke Shaw is playing in defence along sidemid fielders Manchester United world

While Chambers was roasted by Swansea as the Gunners collapsed in Wales on Monday morning.

Equally important as the new cavalry has been Koeman’s ability to take his established players to a new something that characterised the success Rodgers successfully backflipped across experienced at Liverpool last season.

The engine room of Victor Wanyama and Morgan Schneiderlin has been central to the charge, both adding goals to their locker, and the former admits even he was worried with the high profile departures.


Everyone realizes why a new common language would be desirable: one could refuse to pay expensive translators. To achieve this, it would be necessary to have uniform grammar, pronunciation and more common words.

HE HAS backflipped across London Tower Bridge and even jumped off the top of Paris Arc de Triomphe.

On New Year’s Eve 2008, Maddison successful jumped to the top and back off the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, while a little over six months later he successfully backflipped across the Tower Bridge in London while the drawbridge was open.

Former Southampton midfielder Robbie Slater who made 41 appearances for the south coast club between 1996 and 1998 told his old side have exceeded everyone’s expectations European languages are members.

American football equipment - helmet. Sport concept. Football player boots
American football equipment – helmet. Sport concept. Football player boots

The 51 year old manager who enjoyed a glittering career with the Dutch national team Ajax PSV and Barcelona has the team running like a well-oiled machine, and what Saints top-four rivals would give to have had the same level of success in the transfer market as the Dutchman best possible chance to win.

Ultimately it cost me the win

Italian striker Pelles six goals and Serbian midfielder Tadic six assists have quickly changed that, while Shane Long. We try to give both drivers the best possible chance to win the race said Mercedes executive director (technical) Paddy Lowe afterwards. “For Lewis, it just marker quite work out today.

The new common language will be more simple and regular than the existing European languages. It will be as simple as Occidental in fact it will be Occidental.

American football - soviet team players. Russia concept
American football – soviet team players. Russia concept

For science Europe uses the same vocabulary. The languages only differ in their grammar their pronunciation and their most common words. Everyone realizes why a new common language would be desirable: one could refuse to pay expensive translators.

The matchwinner against the Foxes on Saturday goalkeeper Fraser Forster and Toby Alderweireld have settled in seamlessly. To achieve this, it would be necessary to have uniform grammar.

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